Special Keys
From IceChat Wiki
IceChat 9 has some keyboard shortcuts for opening windows and other functions.
- Copy text
- Select the text to be copied with the mouse. The text is copied into the clipboard.
- Copy hypertext (link)
- Press the middle key when pointing to the link. The link is copied to the clipboard.
- F5
- Toggles the multi line edit box
- CTRL + A
- Selects all the text in the single or multi line inputbox.
- CTRL + B
- Bold
- CTRL + I
- Italic
- CTRL + U
- Underline
- CTRL + K + any number between 0-71
- sets color code for the text that follows it.
- CTRL + R
- Reverses the colors of the text and background. If your text is white on black, typing
in the Input Line will show the following text as black on white. - CTRL + backspace
- Deletes one word back in the Input Line.
- CTRL + D
- Opens the debug window.
- CTRL + F
- Opens the Fonts window.
- CTRL + G
- Opens the Colors window.
- CTRL + S
- Opens the IceChat Editor
- CTRL + P
- Opens the Settings window
- CTRL + W
- When in a channel, parts that channel, and focuses on the next server in the server tree
- CTRL + Tab
- Moves the focus from the current window to the next, by order of the tabs on the channel bar.
- CTRL + PageUp
- Moves the focus from the current window to the next, by order of the tabs on the channel bar.
- CTRL + PageDown
- Moves the focus from the current window to the previous, by order of the tabs on the channel bar.
- CTRL + back or
- CTRL + forward
- Jumps one word back (or forward) in the Input Line.
- CTRL + up or
- CTRL + down
- Leafs up or down the history of sent text. This key combination works for both, the single and multi line inputbox.
- UP key or
- DOWN key
- Leafs up or down the history of sent text. Works only for the single input text line.
- SHIFT + Enter
- Moves to the next line in multi line inputbox.
- Escape
- Deletes the text in the inputbox.