From IceChat Wiki
Identifiers are a set of reserved words that can be used in Aliases, Popup Menus, and directly as commands on the server or channel windows. They are always preceded by the $ symbol.
You can use the Identifiers on the servers and channels window by typing the following in the input line:
//say <Identifier>
//say $version
Will return the program name and its currently installed version. At the time of writing, it returns:
IceChat 9.03
[hide]- $me
- Displays the current NickName set for the current server.
- $cme
- Displays the NickName.
- $altnick
- Displays the current Alt NickName set for the current server.
- $ident
- Displays the Ident Name set for the current server.
- $fullhost
- Displays the current NickName.
- $fullname
- Displays the FullName set for the current server.
- $network
- The network to which your current server belongs. For example, server list.
- $port
- The port number through which you are connected to the current server.
- $encoding
- The encoding defined for the current server in the current server's settings.
- $quitmessage
- quit Message defined for the current server.
- $serverid
- The ordinal number of the current server in the Server Tree. In the provided link, the will get the number 2.
- $server
- The name of the currently connected server.
- $serverip
- The IP address of the currently connected server.
- $randquit
- The quit message that was set for the current server.
- $chanlogdir
- The current-channel log folder.
- $totallines
- The number of text lines on the current window.
- $ial(nickname).nick
- $ial(nickname).host
- ial stands for Internal Address List. The identifer provides the requested detail for the specified nickname.If no detail is specified,
provides its nick.
IceChat Setting information
- $theme
- The currently used IceChat Theme.
- $icechatver
- The currently installed version.
- $version
- The client name (IceChat) followed by the currently installed version.
- $icechat
- The client name (IceChat), followed by the currently installed version, followed by IceChat web site address.
- $icepath, $icechatexedir
- The directory where IceChat 9 is installed.
- $plugindir
- The directory where IceChat 9 plugins are located.
- $icechatdir
- The location of the Data Folder.
- $randcolor
- A random number between 0 and 71. This number represents an ordinal number of a random color on the Colors palette.
- $totalplugins
- Displays the number of loaded plugins.
- $plugins
- Lists the currently loaded plugins.
- $plugin(id).name
- $plugin(id).version
- $plugin(id).author
- $plugin(id).enabled
- $plugin(id).filename
- ID is an ordinal number starting from 0 (zero) up to
- 1. This identifer works on loaded plugins and provides the requested detail. If no detail is specified,$plugin(id)
provides its name.
returns HighLite Plugin
IceChat External information
- $colors
- The filename of the currently used Theme.
- $aliasfile
- The location and name of the aliases file. The file is located in the Data Folder
- $serverfile
- The location and name of the server file. The file is located in the Data Folder.
- $popupfile
- The location and name of the Popup Menus file. The file is located in the Data Folder.
- $logdir
- The location of the log file. The file is located in a sub-folder under the Data Folder.
Environment information
- $ip
- Your system's external IP address
- $localip
- Same as $ip.
- $online
- The online time since the last boot.
- $appdata
- The Windows current-user's %LOCALAPPDATA% folder.
- $os
- The operating system's name.
- $ossp
- Windows servise pack.
- $osbuild
- Windows build number.
- $osplatform
- Platform information for the operating system.
NOTE: Win32NT is returned for both 32bit and 64bit. - $osbits
- The processor architecture, 32 or 64 bit.
- $time
- The system's local time.
- $date
- The system's local date.
- $icechathandle
- The window handle of IceChat current instance.
- $tickcount, $ticks
- The number of milliseconds elapsed since the system started.
- $totalwindows
- The number of open tabs.
- $totalscreens
- The number of screens connected to this operating system.
- $currentwindow, $active
- The currently active tab.
- $framework
- The .NET major, minor, build, and revision numbers.
- $uptime2
- The number of miliseconds since the last boot converted into a human readable format.
- $uptime
- Similar to $uptime2 from another system resource.
- $ram
- Shows the total amount of the system's RAM.
- $cpu
- Displays the CPU brand.
- $gpu
- Displays the system's gpu brand.
General Purpose
- $read(filename)
- Reads a random line from the specified file. If no specific path is provided, defaults to read the file in the Scripts folder under Data Folder.
- $md5<filename>
- Returns the MD5 of the specified file.
- $rand<min,max>
- Returns a random number between the specified munimum and maximum
- $timer(id).id
- $timer(id).reps
- $timer(id).count
- $timer(id).command
- $timer(id).interval
- ID is an ordinal number starting from 1 up to the number of timers defined for the current server.
The identifer provides the requested detail for the specified timer.If no detail is specified,$timer(id)
provides its id.