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IceChat 9 has a long list of commands that can be used in Popup Menus, Aliases or the Input Line.

The following conventions are used:

  • Angle brackets < > represent a placeholder which should be replaced with actual values.
  • Square brackets [ ] represent optional parameters.
  • Pipe | represents a choice between several options for a single parameter. For example, /topicbar <show | hide> means that the command can be used with show or hide.

IRC related commands

This section includes commands that are either defined in the IRC protocols or were created in IceChat in order to make life easier for its users. Example, /part is an IRC command that leaves a specific channel. /partall extends that to leaving all the channels on a current server.

A complete list of IRC commands, with their syntax and description is found on Wikipedia.

/ame <text>
Sends the text action to all channels you're currently on, on the current server.
/amsg <text>
Sends a message to all channels you're currently on, on the current server.
/anick <nickname>
Changes your current nickname to the specified nickname on all conected servers
/aquit, /quitall
Disconnect all servers
Automatically joins the channels listed, and checked, on the AutoJoin tab of the Server Editor window on current server
Runs the commands listed on the AutoPerform tab of the Server Editor window on current server
Toggles the Connect on startup option for the current server.
Toggles your status between away and not away. Follows the options defined in the Away settings.
The above described away command is sent to all the connected servers.
/ban <#channel> <nickname | address>
/mode <#channel> +b <nickname | address>
A ban is a channel mode that is set to prevent clients with certain IRC identifiers (username, hostname, nickname) from joining that channel. Channel bans can only be set and removed by channel operators.
The ban is applied to the specified user/address for the specified channel.
A ban can be removed with the /mode <#channel> -b <nickname | address> command.
Forces the current server to disconnect.
Parts and re-joins the current channel.
/ignore <enable | disable>
Toggles the Ignore List option for the current server.
/ignore <nickname>
Adds the specified nick name to the Ignore List. If the nick name is already on the list, it is un-checked.
/join <#channel>
Joins the specified channel.
/kick [#channel] <nickname> [reason]
Kicks the specified user. If no channel is specieid, the current channel is assumed. If a reason was given, it is displayed. If no reason was provided, the nick of the user who kicked, is displayed.
Opens a Channel List window in which all the channels of the current server are listed. This list can be very long for the big networks.
/mode <nickname> <flags>
/mode <#channel> <flags>
Sets the specified channel or nick name to the requested mode. Channel modes can be set only by channel operators. The supported modes depend on the specific network. Usually, the server's MOTD lists the supported modes, or they can be found on the network documentation.
Similar to /mode. Mostly, unsupported by networks.
Displays the server's Message Of The Day on the console tab.
/names <#channel>
Displays a list of the users in the specified channel and their access levels (rank) on that channel.
/nick <nickname>
Changes the your current nick to the specified nick name.
/notice <nickname> <text>
Displays the specified text on the server's window of the specified user and on your current window. No automatic answer is returned.
/onotice [#channel] <message>
Sends the specified notice message to all channel ops. Not supported by all networks.
Parts from the current channel.
Parts from all channels on current server
/ping <nickname>
Pings the specified nickname.
/query <nickname> <message>
Opens a private window for chat between you and the specified user. If the <nickname> is away and has an automatic away message, that message will be sent back.
Disconnects the current server.
Parts all channels on all servers.
/topic [text]
Displays the topic of the current channel. It any text is added to the command, the channel topic will be set to that text. Topic can be changed only by channel's operators.
/umode <flags>
Same as /mode <myNickName> <flags>. See /mode above.
Returns the version of the current server.
/who <#channel>
Lists all the users on the specified channel.
/whois <nickname>
Returns info about the specified nick name.

Client features commands

This section includes commands that are specific to the client and were made to extend the user experience. for example, /buddylist nickname adds a specified nick to the buddy list. Alternately, this could have been achieved using the GUI instead.

/aline <window name> <text>
Adds the specified text to the specified window. If the window does not exist, it will be opened. Example: /aline temp This is a test
/addlines <number>
Fills the current window with the specified number of lines.
Re-attaches the current window back into the main program. (Counteracts the /Detach command.)
/bgcolor <color>
Changes the background color for the current window. The color parameter must be a number between 0 and 71.
/buddylist <nickname>
Adds the specified nickname to the buddy list.
/ctcp <nickname> <ping | finger | version | time | userinfo | clientinfo>
Performs the given ctcp request on the specified nickname.
/chaninfo [#channel]
Opens a channel information window for the specified channel, or the current if no channel is specified.
Clears the text of the current window.
Clears the text of all windows on all servers, including console.
Closes all the windows that were opened with /window or /aline commands.
Closes the current window
/closequery, /closeallquery
Closes all your query windows on the current server.
/colormode [#channel]
Toggles The No Color mode entry on the context menu of the specified channel. If no channel is specified, the current channel is assumed.
/cplay <#channel> <filename>
Similar to /play but checks if the sounds on the specified channels are muted. If they are, it won't play.
Detaches the current window out of main program and onto its own.
/dcc chat <nickname>
Opens a dcc window and sends a dcc chat request to the specified user.
/dcc send <nickname> {file1} {file2} {file3} ... {fileN}
Sends the specified files to the specified user.
/describe <#channel> <text>
Creates a self action with the specified text on the specified channel.(Similar to the /me command but for the specified channel.)
Opens the debug window.
Exports the result of the /list command into a file. The user is prompted for the filename and location. The Channel List window must be the active window.
/font <#channel>
Opens the Fonts window for the user to choose a font. All text in the specified channel is changed to the selected font. The new setting is active only until the window is closed.
/flash <#channel> [off]
Causes a specific channel to blink. off stops the blinking.
/flashtask, /flashtaskbar
Causes the tasbkbar to blink
/flashtray <message>
Sends the specified message to the System Tray icon to show in a Balloon
This command toggles the flashing of the current channel on the Events->Flashing entry of the channel's context menu for the channel bar and server tree.
Returns the client name (IceChat), followed by the current version and build number.
Returns the path to the program.
/joinserv <> <#channel>
Connects to the specified server with IceChat default nick name and joins the specified channel.
Toggles the Disable Logging entry on the context menu for the cureent channel.
Loads a previously saved order of channel tabs on the tab bar. (See /saveorder)
/me <text>
Displays a self action with the specified text in the current channel.
/msg <nickname> <text>
Opens a window with a private message for the specified user under the current server. If the user is away and has set an automatic "away" answer, you'll get that answer.
/notify <nickname>
Adds the nickname to the buddy list.
/pin <#channel>
Iconifies the channel tab on the channel bar.
/play <filename>
Plays the <filename>. <filename> should include the full path, and it must be either a WAV or mp3 file.
Example: /play d:\my music\Yellow Submarine.mp3
/quote, /raw
Sends raw server messages.
Example: /quote whois Snerf
/run <program>
Runs a program. The full path and name must be provided.
/say <text>
Displays the specified text on the active window.
Saves the current order of the channels on the tab bar to ChannelSetting.xml in the Data Folder.
/scid <serverID/NetworkName> </command> [parameters]
Sends the specified command to the specified network or server number. serverID is the ordinal number of the server on the Server Tree
Example: /scid quakenet /join #icechat
/server [-e] <server:port> [port] [-i nick] [-j #channel password]
This command connects to the specified server.
If no port is specified, it'll use port 6667.
-e parameter means to connect with SSL. In such case, the SSL port must be provided, or the connection will fail.
-i parameter followed by a nick, specify the requested nick. If no nick is provided, IceChat default nick name will be used.
-j parameter followed by a channel, specifiy the channel to join after the server is connected.
/server [-i IceChat9] [-j #IceChat
Toggles the sounds of the current channel on the Events->Sounds entry of the current channel's context menu.
/sound <#channel>
Toggles sounds for the specified channel on the context menu of that channel's Events->Sounds entry.
/switch #channel serverID
Switches to the specified channel window under the specified server. serverID is the ordinal number of the server on the Server Tree.
Displays all current timers on the current server.
/timer <n> <repetitions> <interval (in seconds)> <command>
This command allows delay before performing the specified command.
n is a number required to identify the timer.
repetitions is the number of times that the specified command will run.
interval is the time gap between running the specified command.
command is an IRC command to run.
/topicbar <show | hide>
Displays or hides the topic bar.
Checks if a new version of IceChat is available.
/userinfo <nickname>
Opens a User info window with information about the specified nick name.
/window @<name>
Opens a window with the specified name. Example: /window @tests
/unpin <#channel>
Reverses the /pin command. The channel name is re-displayed on the channel bar.

General features

This section includes commands that are not directly related to IRC or the client features. For example, opening the default browser or sending a Google search to the browser.

Sounds the Windows' beep.
/browser <url>
Opens the default browser with the specified url. /dd>
/dns <address>
Returns the IP of the address
/echo [text]
Displays the text on current window
/google <text>
Opens default browser, and sends the specified text to Google search.